CNRP threatened over rhetoric

A government spokesman warned yesterday that legal action may be taken against the opposition leaders if their “unlawful” campaign rhetoric incites unrest. Tith Sothea, spokesman for the Council of Ministers’ Press and Quick Reaction Unit, said that the government will consider filing complaints against Cambodia National Rescue Party leader Sam Rainsy and deputy leader Kem Sokha for their attacks on Prime Minister Hun Sen during the campaign for the May 18 council elections. … “The royal government can consider legal action if these activities cause danger or any obstacle for stability,” he warned. Sothea said the pair should adhere to orders from the National Election Committee (NEC) to refrain from personal attacks during the campaign. But Rainsy said he is “not concerned” by the threats. “It is freedom of speech, as long as what we say is backed by evidence,” he said last night. …

Meas Sokchea